The Way of the Cross

Work by George Desvallières

All around the church

Way of the Cross

A succession of crosses accompanied by painted or sculpted images representing the stages of Christ’s Passion in Jerusalem, from his condemnation to his burial. The Way of the Cross generally has 14 stations and allows the faithful to make a pilgrim’s journey.

Marouflaged canvas

Marouflage consists of using a very strong glue (maroufle) to adhere a thin, flexible pictorial support, a canvas, to another support, usually a rigid wall. The paint is mixed with wax to prevent the colours from fading

George Desvallières (1861-1950)

An expressionist painter, his first master was Élie Delaunay, then Gustave Moreau, and he started out in the secular field. After his involvement in the Great War and the death of his son in combat, he devoted himself to religious painting and founded the Ateliers d’Art Sacré with Maurice Denis in 1919.

The Passion of Christ

All the sufferings of Jesus Christ from his arrest in the Garden of Olives (Gethsemane) to his death on the cross. For Christians, the sacrifice of Christ offering his life for the salvation of humanity is inseparable from his resurrection.


Sacramental act that celebrates the sacrifice of the body and blood of Jesus Christ, present under the species of bread and wine. It is the heart and summit of the life of the members of the Church, uniting them to Christ who died on the cross to save mankind. The word means ‘thanksgiving’.

Thanks to Art Culture et foi for the content.
Photo credit Bruno Parnaudeau ©


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