The façade

A 75m bell tower

Avenue Daumesnil, opposite the entrance


Architectural element or body projecting from the façade or main part of a building.


Half-dome or quarter-sphere vaulting used since antiquity, generally to cover apses.

The 7 Christian virtues

4 cardinal virtues (pivots), the name given to the fundamental virtues – prudence, justice, strength and temperance – on which the moral life is based, and 3 theological virtues – faith, hope and charity – 3 aspects of the divine life received at baptism, thanks to which man can know and do good.

Saint Peter and Saint Paul

The two pillars of the Catholic Church, celebrated on the same day. Peter, with his keys, is chosen by Jesus to “build his Church” (Mt 16:18). Paul, the man with the sword who persecuted Christians, converted and became the apostle to the Gentiles. Both are martyred in Rome for their faith.

Carlo Sarrabezolles (1888-1971)

Sculptor and statuary, 2nd Grand Prix de Rome, he perfected an original process of rapid carving, requiring great mastery of execution by working directly in the setting concrete. Working closely with architects, he created monumental religious and secular iconographic programs.

Symbols of the four evangelists or tetramorph

4 animal and human representations taken from the vision of the 4 living creatures by the prophet Ezekiel in the Bible (Ezek 1:1-14). They symbolize the 4 evangelists in relation to the beginning of each gospel: the lion for Mark, the bull for Luke, the man for Matthew and the eagle for John.

Raymond Subes (1891-1970)

One of the most renowned wrought-iron craftsmen of the Art Deco period and 20th century, trained at the École Boulle and the Arts Décoratifs. He collaborated with the architects of his day, creating wrought-ironwork for major ocean liners and numerous Parisian buildings. He was elected to the Académie des Beaux-Arts in 1958.

Thanks to Art Culture et foi for the content.
Photo credit Bruno Parnaudeau ©


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