The nartex

A step towards the church

In the narthex


Transitional space in front of the portal (exonarthex) or in front of the nave, between the portal and the nave of a church. It was originally intended to house catechumens preparing for baptism, or certain penitents, who attended only part of the mass.

Nicolas (1900-1967) and Hélène Untersteller

Painter from Moselle, winner of the Prix de Rome, he taught fresco at the Beaux-Arts de Paris. Known for his fresco decorations for public buildings and ocean liners, he also worked in collaboration with his painter wife Hélène Delaroche (1907-1996) on major church projects in Paris.

Adam and Eve

In the Bible (Genesis 2, 7 and 21-22), Adam, whose name evokes the earth in Hebrew, and Eve, meaning the living, are the names given to the man and woman forming the first couple created by God.


In Hebrew, Eden. In the Bible, in the Book of Genesis, it’s the place where Adam and Eve were created by God. By extension, the dwelling of the blessed and chosen who share God’s eternal life.


A place reserved for the celebration of baptism, inside the church or in a nearby building, designed for this rite. A stone or metal basin is used to receive the baptismal water, either by sprinkling – the gesture made by the priest as he pours the baptismal water over the head of the baptized person – or by immersion.

Elisabeth Branly (1889-1972)

Designer and painter, member of the Catholiques des Beaux-Arts group, daughter of physicist Edouard Branly and wife of Paul Tournon. She participated in the painted decorations of several baptisteries in churches built by her husband.


The last book of the New Testament, written at the end of the 1st century and attributed to Saint John. It is a set of symbolic visions that announces Christ’s triumph over the powers of evil to persecuted Christians.

Thanks to Art Culture et Foi for the content.
Photo credit Bruno Parnaudeau ©


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